Google Voice History, How to View & Delete Google Voice Search Activity


Google Voice History refers to the collection of voice search queries and commands that you’ve made using Google’s voice search feature. It includes your spoken requests to Google Assistant on various devices.

View Google Voice Search Activity allows you to see a list of your past voice searches and commands. Delete Google Voice Search Activity lets you remove specific voice search entries from your history.

Google Voice History

Google Voice History refers to a record of your voice interactions with Google’s services.

  • It includes voice searches, commands, and requests you’ve made using devices like smartphones and smart speakers.
  • This history helps Google understand your preferences and improve its services. You can view your Google Voice History to see a list of your past voice interactions.
  • If desired, you also have the option to delete specific entries from this history, giving you control over your recorded voice interactions.

How to Control Google Voice Activity

To control Google Voice Activity, here are the steps to follow.

  1. Open Google Account settings.
  2. Tap on Data & personalization.
  3. Under Activity controls, tap Voice & Audio Activity.
  4. Toggle the switch on or off to control recording of voice interactions.

How to View & Listen Google Voice Search History

To view and listen to your Google Voice Search History:

  1. Open Google Account settings.
  2. Tap on Data & personalization.
  3. Under Activity controls, tap Voice & Audio Activity.
  4. Tap Manage Activity to see your history list.
  5. Click on an entry to listen to the recorded voice search.

Also Read>>> Google Contacts for Export, Backup, Upload and Restore

How to Delete Google Voice Search History

We must know about Ok Google Voice Activity History or How to delete Google voice recordings history on PC. To delete your Google Voice Search History, follow the below steps.

  1. Open Google Account settings.
  2. Tap on Data & personalization.
  3. Under Activity controls, tap Voice & Audio Activity.
  4. Tap Manage Activity to see your history list.
  5. Select the entries you want to delete, then click Delete or Delete all to remove them.
google voice history
Google Voice History

How to Delete Google Voice Search History on Mobile

To delete Google Voice Search History on mobile, follow the gen steps.

  1. Open the Google app.
  2. Tap on your profile picture or initial in the top right.
  3. Choose Manage your Google Account.
  4. Tap Data & personalization.
  5. Under Activity controls, tap Voice & Audio Activity.
  6. Tap Manage Activity to see your history.
  7. Select entries, then tap Delete or Delete all to remove them.

How to delete Google Voice Search History on a desktop PC

To delete Google Voice Search History on a desktop PC, follow the steps.

  1. Open a web browser and go to
  2. Sign in to your Google Account if prompted.
  3. On the left, click on Voice & Audio from the menu.
  4. Click Filter by date & product and select Voice & Audio again.
  5. You’ll see a list of your voice interactions. Check the ones you want to delete.
  6. Click Delete at the top-right corner to remove the selected entries.

How to Delete the Google Voice Recordings Individually

To delete Google Voice Search recordings individually, follow the stpes.

  1. Go to
  2. Click on Voice & Audio on the left.
  3. Find the recording you want to delete.
  4. Click the three dots (More) next to it.
  5. Select Delete to remove that specific recording.

How to Delete Google Voice Recordings on Specific Dates

To delete Google Voice Recordings on specific dates:

  1. Go to the Google Home app.
  2. Tap your personal icon in the top-right corner, and then choose My Activity.
  3. Above the list of recordings, tap Delete icon.
  4. In the dropdown box, choose what date range you want to delete (today, custom, all-time).

How to Setup to Delete Recordings Automatically

If you don’t want to keep manually deleting recordings picked up by the Assistant, you can also choose to have your activity removed automatically.

  1. Go to the Google Home app.
  2. Tap your icon in the top-right corner, and then choose My Activity.
  3. Before your stream of recordings, tap the option that says Auto-delete.
  4. Keeping data until you delete it is the default setting, but you can choose to keep either for 3, 18 months or 36 months before it disappears automatically. You can also choose to not have anything automatically deleted.

How can I delete multiple voice recordings at once?

To Delete multiple voice recordings at once:

  1. Go to
  2. Click Voice & Audio on the left.
  3. Check the recordings you want to delete.
  4. Click Delete at the top-right corner.

Can I delete all Google Voice recordings at once?

Yes, you can delete all google voice recordings at once.

  1. Go to
  2. Click Voice & Audio on the left.
  3. Click Delete activity by on the left panel.
  4. Select All time and Voice & Audio, then click Delete.

Are deleted voice recordings recoverable?

No, once deleted, voice recordings are permanently removed.

How often should I review and delete my voice recordings?

It depends on your preference, but periodic reviews can help maintain privacy.

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