How much time does it will take to get BSNL refund of security deposit after surrendering a broadband or landline connection, and Is there any separate application form for refund?
The process minimized now by the operator and issuing refund at a minimum of one month and maximum 90-180 days. Previously, in some of the cases, it will take nearly 6 months to one year. It is all due to the lack of information on customer refund details.

To speed up the refund process, you just have to submit the following details at the time of closure for fast refund of BSNL security deposit with the change process,
Si.No | Requirement for BSNL Refund of Security Deposit |
1 | BSNL Surrender Form for Voluntary Closure |
2 | Photocopy of Bank account passbook/statement contains the Customer Name, Bank account Number, Name of the Bank, IFSC Code |
After submission of request to disconnect BSNL broadband / Landline or any postpaid mobile, the commercial section will issue the orders for the same. Within one week of completion of BSNL disconnection process, the account settlement will process the final refund amount.
After that, the Refund initiation will start by Circle Accounts and credit the deposit amount to the customer directly to bank account submitted. But it is, as per the funds within short time.
Whom will contact if we didn’t receive BSNL Refund?
In every business area / SSA, appointed Accounts Officer / Junior Accounts Officer (JAO) is available for persuasion of refunds, and you may directly approach or call them and inquire about the delay in refunds
Even if you contact your concerned commercial section in your town/city, then they will contact concerned JAO or AO to know the status of delay for a refund.
Can we get full deposit amount as a refund on disconnecting BSNL broadband?
No, if you paid the bills clearly and submitted the request to disconnect BSNL broadband connection, then the final bill may raise after adjusting the bill amount for proportionate days up to the closure
Example:- ISP releases the postpaid broadband bill in every month of the first week. It is by calculating up to the end of the day in the previous month. It means you paid the bill before submitting the BSNL disconnection request for the usage of the last month only. But the unbilled amount up to the closing date may adjust the deposit amount before issuing the refund.
In what cases BSNL refund has been delayed?
The following are some of the reasons for the delay in BSNL refund
- At the time of closure, the subscriber submits the wrong bank details like IFSC code, name and other.
- If you submit any other family member details (Bank account details), then there is a delay, So provide the bank details of the customer who have the name in telephone records.
- Also, there is a chance, if there is a wrong entry of the bank account details of the customer in BSNL refund entry.
How to rectify wrong entries?
Submit a written request to concerned BSNL Accounts Officer of the ISP, then he/she will pursue the security deposit case and solve the refund issue.
Sir, Our land line # 04424983628 was surrendered on 05th February 2022 along with Telephone and the required documents namely a. Filled in surrender for, b. Deposit receipt for Rs.3000/- c. Cancelled cheque and the same were duly acknowledged. But till now almost 7.50 months we are yet to received refund. Kindly look into that and do the needful for refunding the deposit.
Thanks / Regards
Rajasekaran N
woआपके बंद टेलीफ़ोन की अमानत राशि आपके बैंक खाते का विवरण ना होने से बीएसएनएल भुगतान नहीं कर पा रहा है कृपया नजदीकी बीएसएनएल कार्यालय में उपलब्ध करवायेँ, जवाब प्रस्तुत है, मेरा मोबाइल नंबर 9829005809 पर आपका उक्त मैसेज आया। कृपया रिफंड राशि मोबाइल नंबर पर ट्रांसफर कर दीजिए। लैन्ड लाईन फोन नंबर 2500536 गुलाब चंद वर्मा 71सोनाबाडी कालोनी गोपाल पुरा बाई पास रोड जयपुर
एस बी आई बैंक खाता संख्या 51090689130.
उक्त खाता संख्या में डिपोजिट सिक्योरिटी रिफंड करने की कृपा करें
Since 4 years 4 months have passed after surrendering my land-line to your MIDC office Dombivli telephone exchange
As on today you are not bothered to send the refund amount of Rs 2787/- after deducting the last bill. I have already submitted necessary bank details along with cancelled cheque for your perusal.
It’s shameful from your part nor sending any reply or your refund of the same.
You may book a complaint at, then you will get refund within time. I have also filed a complaint and got refund recently.
Sir, I have return the instrument 18/09/2021 also paid all the bills, even after one year passed, I have not received my Security DEPOSIT I HAVE ALREADY SUBMITTED IFSC CODE. your action is requested.
I have surrendered my land line in November 2021 at Kodambakkam power house office. Necessary documents attached with surrendered papers. Still iam waiting for security deposit refundable Amount and not credited in my Axis bank account. For retirement person they are making me waiting Unacceptable. Shame for bsnl. My money they keeping and returning taking their own time.
Make a complaint at, then you may except your deposit at an early.
I disconnected my phone blnl in December 2019. I have not received my deposit. My document of 2020. Please expedite payment.
I have surrendered my land line in December 2019. After completing all formalities as required my refund is still pending . My document No is 1900474908 of 2020. Please take action to refund my security
Dear sir
Already land line surrender on 24/11/2020 at your customer care Jayanagar 5th blk office til now I have not received deposit already three years old why you people not settling What is reason pls look into the matter very urgently
Thanking you
K n jagadish
मैं राज कुमार यादव जिनका मोबाइल नंबर बीएसएनएल का पोस्ट पेड ग्राहक था मैंने 2019 में पोस्ट पेड नंबर को बन्द किया था जिसकी सिकोरटी मनी 650 रुपए जमा किए थे जो अब तक वापस नहीं किया गया है श्री मान लौटाने का आज्ञा प्रदान करे