
Find the fee payment details and how to apply for JTO exam in online application in new website link for BSNL Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion of Group ‘C’ employees to the grade of Junior Telecom Officer Telecom in BSNL under 50% quota for Vacancy Year 2016 and 2017 in all 28 BSNL territorial circles at about 7000+ JTO posts in the given JTO notification of BSNL in October 2018. As we all know that, due to some administrative issues the online registration could not be started as ...


Recently you and me heard about many news on BSNL Profit and Loss which misleads public on PSU’s past and future, So, here we present the actual analysis of Bandhan Preet Singh, a Proud BSNL employee which clearing the air of confusion about BSNL Profits and Loss through facts. Here if we observe the figures, the loss starts in Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited for 9 years which is continued from 2009 and 2010, where in which the PRC played a small role as enhanced wages have to be provided to ...


Do you know how to activate BSNL mobile data to use unlimited internet and voice calls even in national roaming, In our previous tutorials, we provide you how to enable or activate BSNL mobile data service on a new connection at first time, but now here we present the simple steps to do in customer mobile for activation of internet to use in national roaming areas in India. As we all know, BSNL mobile data is offering free roaming on PAN India basis, So, now it’s time to move on ...


After BSNL prepaid SIM card number selection and activation, If you’re having trouble stay connecting issue to the BSNL mobile data network, here we present about what to do to overcome the issue and to communicate at high-speed internet 3G in your area? BSNL Mobile Internet Not Working Any customer can resolve BSNL net problem instantly from their own hands by following the simple guide on simple audit, lets check and resolve. There are two kinds of problems in BSNL data connecting issue for mobile network, which a user is ...


BSNL Mobile data not working in mobile, what to do? The question raised by many new mobile customers. BSNL data activation and deactivation on prepaid mobile is the simple process issued and to be followed by every customer to get high speed BSNL 3G services on any iPhone, Android, Windows phones, etc… Many of the customers of BSNL mobile services can think about, How to activate 3G in BSNL new prepaid SIM card? Can this BSNL data activation is a significant process to enable BSNL net on our Android / ...


Note: This plan has been closed with effect from 15.04.2023 under postpaid GSM mobile services, however the existing customers will continue with same tariff until migration to other. Find the new tariff of unlimited postpaid plan BSNL 1525 available under GSM mobile services with latest features, check the new facilities for postpaid plan and activate all of them. Particulars BSNL 1525 Postpaid Plan tariff Activation Charges in Rs Rs. 100 Security Deposit Local + STD = Rs. 500, ISD = Rs. 2000,Local + STD + ISD + International Roaming = ...


Find the latest beneficial tariff offered on BSNL CTOPUP mobile available with Retailer, which are allowed for successful business transactions of each month, Check the BSNL POS category wise benefits allowed with Unlimited Voice, Data and SMS… PAN India Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited has categorized the retailers into 6 types (Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze, other) and offered the CTopUp benefits in various ways, it means the retailers of BSNL who have done more business were benefited with many offers in the form of special mobile tariff as mentioned below ...


Visit the new table of concession charges available for different customers and BSNL employees towards monthly rental, installation and registration charges, also check what are the required documents to submit to avail concession on BSNL services? BSNL Concession BSNL Concessional Group Rental Charges Installation Charges Remarks Freedom Fighters 50% of normal rentals NIL Concessional charges are also applicable to Widows of Freedom Fighters War Widows/ Disabled Soldiers 50% of normal rentals NIL – Blind Persons 50% of normal rentals Full charges 50% of Annual Advance Rental also available Recognized Educational ...


Now there is no requirement to search for BSNL complaint booking number online or offline for Hyderabad, Bangalore, Pune, Chennai and other cities or towns because BSNL complaint online is live to address the issues to higher authorities also in various ways… BSNL Complaint In India, plenty of consumers uses landline, mobile or BSNL internet services. But many are not entirely aware of the complaint redressal mechanism and how to register BSNL online complaint that too in just 15 seconds of time. For all of them, we are here to ...


How to divert voice calls from my BSNL number to other number, and how to cancel the call forwarding in Android / iOS and Feature phone, Is the facilities provided at free of cost or chargeable, What is the process for activation of call diversion in my BSNL mobile… BSNL Call Forwarding Dial the hotkeys, activate BSNL call forwarding free to home facility launched on prepaid and postpaid mobile, and divert all mobile calls to receive on your required landline or mobile phones of Airtel, Reliance Jio, Idea Vodafone or ...