Find the new revised holiday home rates per day for booking of BSNL IQ to stay on official or personal visit, check the city wise (A, A1, B, B1) occupancy rates of BSNL Inspection Quarter per day allowed for officers and their dependent family members.
Here we clearly mentioned city class wise holiday home / IQ booking rates in entire India allowed for MTNL / TCIL / ITI / TRAI / DOT / BSNL working employees and also for retired employees, check the table of rates before booking a BSNL IQ and pay the charges to the authority available at Inspection Quarters.

BSNL IQ Booking Rates Per Day to Stay
Si.No | Category of Visitor in BSNL IQ | A & A1 Cities Rates in Rs. | B, B1 & Other Cities Rate in Rs. |
1 | BSNL Officers Official Visit | 40 | 25 |
2 | Family members / Officers of BSNL on personal visit | 150 | 100 |
3 | Retired Officers of BSNL | 250 | 150 |
4 | MTNL / DOT Officers Official visit | 100 | 75 |
5 | MTNL/DOT Officers & family members | 300 | 200 |
6 | Retired Officers of MTNL/DOT | 400 | 300 |
7 | Others | 750 | 500 |
Booking Rates for BSNL Dining Hall / Lobbies
Visitor Category to Book IQ | A & A1 Cities Rates per day | B, B1 & Other Cities Rate per day |
Officers and Employees of BSNL | Rs. 1000 | Rs. 750 |
MTNL / DOT / TCIL / ITI / TRAI & Other Officers and Employees of BSNL | Rs. 4000 | Rs. 3000 |
Telecom Women Central Organisation (TWCO), which is a non profitable organisation exempted from the payment of Dining Hall / Lobby.
IQ Booking Rates RTTC Hostel PUne and Dormitory Ahmedabad
The following is the applicable BSNL IQ booking rates to pay by the visitor per day at A Class cities in the locations mentioned at Pune and Ahmedabad.
Applicable for | IQ Rent for day in Rs | Purpose | IQ Location |
Any PSU/Central/State Govt staff | 150 | Personal | RTTC Hostel, Pune |
BSNL staff/family members | 150 | Personal | RTTC Hostel, Pune |
Students | 50 | Training | RTTC Hostel, Pune |
BSNL Staff | 100 | Official | RTTC Hostel, Pune |
PSU/Central/State Govt staff | 100 | Training | RTTC Hostel, Pune |
BSNL Staff | 70 | Training | RTTC Hostel, Pune |
Private persons | 200 | Personal | RTTC Hostel, Pune |
DoT/MTNL staff | 100 | Official | RTTC Hostel, Pune |
Officers of BSNL | 40 | Official | Dormitory, Ahmedabad |
Officers & the dependent family members of BSNL | 150 | Personal | Dormitory, Ahmedabad |
Officers of MTNL/DOT | 100 | Official | Dormitory, Ahmedabad |
Officers and dependent family members of MTNL/DOT | 200 | Personal | Dormitory, Ahmedabad |
Retired officers of BSNL | 250 | Official | Dormitory, Ahmedabad |
Retired officers of BSNL | 250 | Personal | Dormitory, Ahmedabad |
Retired officers of MTNL/DOT | 300 | Official | Dormitory, Ahmedabad |
Retired officers of MTNL/DOT | 300 | Personal | Dormitory, Ahmedabad |
Other Govt/PSU Officers | 400 | Official | Dormitory, Ahmedabad |
Other Govt/PSU Officers | 750 | Personal | Dormitory, Ahmedabad |
Others | 750 | Official | Dormitory, Ahmedabad |
Others | 750 | Personal | Dormitory, Ahmedabad |
The rates for each Inspection Quarter at any BSNL RTTC Hostel and Dormitories available at A/A1 class cities in all India may the same. But check the BSNL IQ rates before booking the holiday home in online or offline.