Does the member of EPFO can download EPF passbook at free of cost in online, How many entries are displayed in member passbook which download online, How can a EPF member print the passbook directly without completing EPFO KYC or UAN helpdesk assistance of Employees Provident Fund Organization, Does Passbook contains EPF Pension Fund and withdrawal details…
EPF Passbook
EPF passbook or EPFO passbook is an authorized document issued to every member of Employees Provident Fund Organization (EPF India) that contains the entries of the provident fund contributions by both the employer and the working employee, where this passbook service of EPF will be available only in online at member passbook portal
The EPF passbook would contain the contribution as well as the interest incurred on the amount invested and added to the principal balance at the end of the financial year, and in case the EPFO member has a multiple EPF accounts, the person will have multiple passbooks under one UAN number.
All the EPF accounts of a member are linked by a single UAN number which remains the login ID for the account, and the UAN is a 12 digit unique number issued to the all the employees or members of EPFO (who have a PF account), and thus irrespective of the job changes the UAN account of the employee remains the same.
So one can download the EPF details online, or one can download and print the entries on login to online portal, So, Let us look at the detailed step by step procedure for downloading the EPF member passbook details from the EPFO unified member portal

EPF Passbook Login
- Login to EPF Member Passbook portal page at
- Enter the UAN number, password (created at the time of registration at Unified Member Portal), and the captcha code
- Login to the member passbook portal and access various functionalities of the website.
- EPFIndia Member now will be able to see all the EPF member IDs which are registered on the UAN portal
- Click on the member ID or EPF account number at the left side panel for which the user needs to check the passbook and the account balance.
- Once the user clicks on account number, the provident fund passbook will open on the right side or next page with a detailed statement contains all the entries of employee and employer with accrued interest in PDF format.
- The user can directly download or take a printout of the same from the portal with download and print options available on above right.
- For a newly registered user, the facility is available 6 hours after opening the account on the EPFO website.
UAN Passbook Contains
- Passbook contains the establishment ID and the name of the company that the employee is a part of.
- Passbook contains the member ID and name of the member i.e. the employee’s name
- EPFO Passbook also includes the name of the EPFO office and its type
- Includes the separate shares of the employee and the employer in the total EPFO account of the person
- EPFIndia passbook contains the monthly deposit and withdrawal of the employee and the employer and Monthly contribution from both sides towards the EPFO account of the employee
- EPFO Member passbook does not contain EPF Pension Fund details, it contains only allowable EPF withdrawal amount.
- If download and print the passbook, it contains the dates on which the print of the statement has taken place.
- Does not contain any type of employee insurance or income tax details
When Employees Provident Fund Passbook will update
Usually the EPFO passbook is updated on the same date of the contribution from both the employer and the employee amounts are realized about their credits, and the member statement contains the month and year when the contribution is received from the employer and the employee.
If in any case, the person sees that the contribution for a particular month is not updated on the portal, the person should wait until the credit of the same EPFO subscription submitted by employer, so after some days EPFO member should login to check the same entries in EPF passbook which is available only in Employees Provident Fund Organization (EPFO) Member Passbook Portal.